Monday, December 17, 2012

16 months!

Eli is 16 months!

He could be a big brother this month, and I know he is totally ready and will be the best!

He is completely obsessed with throwing his food over his high chair, which can be very frustrating, but he thinks it's the best game! Still working on methods to keep the food ON the tray. So far, no luck.

He is loving the song, "If you're happy and you know it" and stomping your feet is his favorite part.

He is the most observant thing you've ever seen! He continually amazes me with the things he tries to do just by watching us.  Helps his daddy feed the dogs and wants to help me with everything around the house.  He unloads the cups and bowls that go into his drawer from the dishwasher and puts them away.  Using the broom will keep him occupied for a good little while.  I can give him a little towel and he will wipe things down and "clean."

He can now open the heavy drawers of the nightstand- so now we have to figure out a way for him NOT to do that. 

His favorite toys aren't toys- he loves ANYTHING with a cord, my glasses holder, bottles with tops, etc. I hope he enjoys his Christmas presents, but I'm not sure he will because they are actual toys! ;)

He laughs way too hard when he burps or passes gas, and continues to try to make it happen..such a boy! 

We set up the Little People nativity scene and he can point out baby Jesus- I love that! 


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The Photo Mommy

My photo
I adore my husband and we have been married for almost 4 years. I have been a mommy for almost a year and a photographer for 3. I am working on making our house a home.

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