Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Then & Now { A look at Eli's first year

I successfully avoided doing this for over a month now.  I was in denial that my 8 pound 10 ounce bundle of love was now in fact a toddler.  As I sit here wanting to write everything about him..I feel the strongest urge to write TO him instead.
You (thankfully) unsuccessfully  tried to make your entrance when I was 29 weeks along, and then a few times after that too.  Although we were just as anxious to meet you- you needed more time. I spent 8 weeks on full bedrest thinking about you..and also eating, but that’s another story!;)  Wondering what you would look like, what color hair & eyes you’d have..and sometimes my mind would wander a few years from then and think about what your favorite movie, food, activity would be.  I’m not sure what made me wake up at 1:30AM the night before you were born but as soon as I stood up my water broke and I knew it was time to head to the hospital.  Seeing you for the first time is unexplainable.  There’s a quote that says, “as you were taking your first breath, I was losing mine” — and I think that accurately describes the situation.  You were a gooey mess (and funny thing is, when I watched the baby shows I always said I didn’t want you on me until you had a bath..but that quickly changed when my first instinct was to grab you!) but the cutest thing I’d ever seen.
Through the months you began to fill out.. and reached milestones like a champ!  Oh how I love watching you learn and master new things.  You look for our approval when you do something and I love praising you!  You are so happy that your Daddy & I constantly say we never realized babies could be so content.  Your joy radiates through your eyes and you have such an expressive face.  I never thought that I’d get to a point where your squishy newborn body wasn’t my favorite..but every day that you change is a new favorite for me.  I will always remember the way your heels felt  so smooshy when I touched them when you were a newborn.  When you wake up now, I always hold my face next to yours- it’s always so warm and squishy and reminds me that you will always be my baby.
We no longer use the sling which I loved (mainly because I have a big ole’ belly now!) but you holding my hand and walking beside me is just as great.  You soak up the world around you like a sponge.  Sometimes you’ll come over and hold my hand even when we aren’t going to walk anywhere and that melts my heart.
You love music and dancing, even my singing.  Daddy makes up silly songs and I think you prefer those over any “normal” baby song.
One of your favorite things to hear is, “I’m gonna get you!”  It will send you giggling and trying to hide every time!
Within the last few months you have expressed your strong opinion on certain areas, which is why we try not to drive past 8PM.
You clearly know right & wrong, and you give the cutest grin before doing something (and sometimes just acting like you’re going to do it just to get a rise!) you shouldn’t.  You love putting things in your mouth, and (so far!) if it’s something you shouldn’t eat you hold it there and give me a certain look until I ask you to “spit it out” ….. the yuckiest thing that has come out was a lady bug!! Ah.. I still gag thinking about it. And laugh, because I totally wasn’t expecting that.  But at least you haven’t swallowed any.. (I guess I should say that I know about! ha!)
You are your father’s boy. You look just like him and want to be where he is at all times.  If he’s outside working around the house you will watch him at the window and wait for him to turn to you and wave.  When he’s at work, I show you his picture on my phone and you light up.  You love to pretend talking to him on the phone because whenever he calls and you’re there I always make sure he says hi, and he always tells you he loves you.
I think you’re also “my” boy too:)It’s not too often that I am gone for very long, but whenever I return home from being out you always come quickly to me so I can pick you up.  You cuddle up to me and currently love sitting beside me while resting your hand on my belly.  Lately you’ve been coming over and giving kisses and hugs without my asking, and I don’t *think* you’ve done that with anyone else yet.  You are my sweet boy.  My forever baby.  I love you and couldn’t imagine a day without you.
Looking back over the past year in the pictures below..just swells my heart with joy.  We are so thankful for you.  God truly blessed us when he gave you to us- and we thank Him every day for you.  At night I go into your room and say a prayer over you and your life.  You are destined for great things, and I pray that I am along every single step of the way.  I love you.


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The Photo Mommy

My photo
I adore my husband and we have been married for almost 4 years. I have been a mommy for almost a year and a photographer for 3. I am working on making our house a home.

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